National Geographic: Abroad at Home

Published in 2015, I was chosen by National Geographic to write the majority of the chapter on Canada for their book, Abroad at Home, which focuses on 600 different international experiences you can have in North America. I had three weeks to write the chapter. I researched and called my contacts for contacts from associations to tourism boards to interview across Canada on unique ethnic activities that take you deeper into the Canadian landscape. Not only did I write paragraphs but also quick blurbs for walking maps that were distilled to less than 50 words. In the industry, it is said to “write tight and bright”; this is an example of that. I transcribed all interviews, sent them to the team, wrote the chapter, edited and edited again and fact checked. Then there was some more editing after that. The experience made me incredibly proud to be Canadian. Everyone I talked to was proud of their heritage but extremely grateful to be born in their particular part of Canada.



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March 17, 2015